First of all we chatted about what we had done last week –
so everyone knew what all the rest had done. And we had a wee reminder about
the carrot root fly – it never really flies higher than about 50cms above the ground.
So our carrots in the bin liner will be safe. But to look after the carrots we
are going to plant outside we will need to cover them with very lightweight
fleece – it keeps of the carrot fly but lets in light and water, as well as
keeping the wee new plants safe from any cold weather. It is so light the
plants can grow up underneath it and not get crushed.
Then everyone got a couple of potatoes ready to plant at
home – maybe in the ground or maybe in a supermarket bag or an old compost bag.
Whatever is available. We heard it takes at least 12 weeks before any potatoes
can be lifted, but it’s probably better to wait for at least 16 weeks. The
potatoes will flower (small white and purple flowers) once the shaws (the stems
and leaves) have grown up, and the potatoes should not be lifted before the
flowers have gone.
Then we decided to make some signs so that people looking
can know what we are growing. We made signs for for each bed, one that said the
ground inside the fence is the school garden and a couple to ask people not to
come inside the fence (so that they don’t damage the growing plants).
After that we went home hoping that next week we get some
dry weather to plant out beans and peas, sweet peas and Russian Giant
sunflowers, all of which we sowed earlier on and which are now in the cold
We also hope to get some seeds sown (maybe with a bit of
fleece to keep them safe from late frosts) and to plant clematis, honeysuckle
and winter jasmine for the fence.