Thursday, 4 June 2015

Tuesday 19th May

A great day for gardening – not too hot and not too cold. Just a bit of a breeze.


We divided into groups again.


One group helped Mrs Thomson and Miss McKenzie to stake up some of the wee trees we had planted as a hedge. They had got knocked over by the wind and (we think!) by footballs. So we hammered in the stakes and tied them up properly.


We all looked at the lovely blossom in the “orchard” and we are hoping for some nice apples in the autumn. If the wind blows too hard of course, the blossom will be blown away before the fruit has a chance to “set” – so we are keeping our fingers crossed.


Another group planted some lily bulbs in the middle of the daffodils. They should make a lovely show of colour in the summer. Next week we need to plant some nasturtium seeds to give some nice colour at ground level as well, because the lilies grow quite tall.


And a third group planted annuals along the fence. These are low growing and should fill up the border where the sweet peas are growing higher up. We planted lobelia and alyssum (blue and white respectively).


Some of us decided the sand play area could do with a bit of a clean up so the sand was shovelled out of the boats and cars for the smaller children.


We also noticed that the carrots in the courtyard – the seeds we had planted in the old bin liner – had just started to show through. And all our strawberry plants seem to have survived. Hooray!


We looked at the strawberries and saw that the flowers had begun to appear – and also the tiny wee buds on the raspberry canes. So we can hope for a good crop from each of these.


We all went up to the beds that had been put up for a “Digging for Victory” project last year. There were lots of fruit trees but the ground was very overgrown and there was a steep slope (not very safe). We thought we might be able to get the beds organised again by strimming the grass and making the slope a bit safer – so something to look forward to next year. That would give us more space in the raised beds for cabbages and sprouts where the raspberries and strawberries are just now.


Next week is an in-service day so we won’t meet for another two weeks. Hopefully there will be lots of seeds through and we can maybe plant the tomatoes and cucumbers and peppers in the green house.