We split into three groups.
One group washed the greenhouse in the courtyard. We discussed
that we had to clean it up so that the light could get through to any plants we
grew there. Before we started we had to clear out all the stuff that was there.
We used brushes and sponges and soapy water. One problem was that the
greenhouse covering has wee channels in it and the rain had got inside some of
them and they were green. We could not clean this. There were also some holes
so we need some new covering in parts. We found a hose to get rid of the soap
and also a tap on the wall. But Mrs Morrison had to take the hose home to get
it put all together. We used buckets of water to rinse off the soap and some of
us got quite wet!
Another group washed the trays and plant pots we found in
the greenhouse. We discussed that we needed to clean the up so there was no
mould or insects left that might damage the new plants this year. We took them
inside to the big sinks. Some were quite dirty and needed a bit of a scrub! And
we found the occasional spider – that freaked out at least one of us! Once they
were all clean we took them outside again and stored them in a new big plastic
container ready to use.
The last group started to weed the front entrance of the
school – we found worms and some of us did not like them much! We uncovered the
daffodil bulbs that are growing in one bed. There is a lot more clearing up to
do at the front.