Monday, 9 March 2015

Meeting 3 - Tuesday 3rd March

This morning there was snow on the ground! But when we met it was a bit drier.  We thought we should plant seeds today and also carry on with some outside clearing up at the front of the school.

So one group planted 21 pea seeds and 21 broad beans in trays. The compost was damp enough so we did not need to water them. Mrs Morrison and Mrs Whyte will find a sunny (south facing) window ledge for the trays to give them warmth and light to germinate. “Germinate” means turning from a seed into a plant with leaves.

We also planted 3 different kinds of sweet pea into toilet roll middles filled with compost. Mrs Whyte explained this was a good idea because the roots could grow straight and long inside the containers and when we put the plants into the ground outside, the toilet roll middles would just rot away and we would not disturb the roots (as well as the cardboard helping the soil).

We put labels with the names of the things we planted into the trays so that when they started to grow we would remember which was which! And of course we can see if any are better than the others so that next year we can choose the best. We should have put the date we planted the seeds onto the labels as well but we have got this blog to remind us.

The seeds were all different sizes, and the packets gave different times that we could expect them to appear – usually 2-3 weeks. They will need to be kept damp so this week Mirrin and Abbie will spray them regularly and make sure they are looked after.

The group outside cut down some bamboo which was spreading everywhere. Others took away the rotting old leaves of montbretia (we should remember to do that in the autumn next year before the leaves rot into mush!) and cut back some lemon balm. Some “perennial” plants – plants that keep growing every year – need to be cut back or “pruned” each year so they don’t grow over paths and get too big for where they grow.

Outside we also planted some primulas which are nice bright colours at the front entrance of the school.  If it is better weather next week we can maybe plant some bulbs that will flower in the summer, in the planters in the courtyard.
More clearing up needed

Primula newly planted

Bamboo cut down ready to grow again

Dead leaves from cleared Montbretia