Monday, 29 January 2018

From field to fork

The 2017 gardening club members met to cook some of their produce on 23rd January.
We learned how to clean the leeks that we grew and that were dug from the ground that morning. Then, once we had cleaned them, we chopped them up and cooked them in butter for a few minutes.
We peeled and chopped the potatoes we had harvested in October. They were kept in a cool, dark, dry garage over the winter. The chopped potatoes were added to the leeks for a few more minutes, then stock cubes and pepper and finally, lots of water. We cooked the soup, stirring it off and on for about 45 minutes. There was enought for a tub for each of us to take home, and enought left over to give some to our class teachers, Mrs McPherson and Mrs Murray and the Janitor.
While the soup was cooking, we got the sprout stalks that were lifted that morning, took the sprouts off the stalks, cleaned them and then chopped each one in half. We put the sprouts into boiling salted water and cooked them for 5 minutes. We chopped up some bacon slices and fried them. Then we drained off the boiling water, added butter and pepper to the sprouts and mixed that up, then tipped in the bacon. Yum! We all got a tub to take home.
Mrs Scott said she had taught hundreds of school pupils how to cook and we had done better than some of her high school students. And Mrs Morrison said we should be proud of all the growing we had done last year - and our sprouts were better than the ones in her garden!