The grass needed cut and various shrubs at the main entrance
needed to be kept down a bit, so Mrs Whyte and Mrs Morrison were kept busy.
Luckily for them, it was quite a wet summer so no watering
of the beds was required. But the tomatoes, courgettes, cucumber, pumpkin and
pepper plants needed watering and feeding inside the greenhouse. Then rain
outside didn’t get to them!
We also had help from Ross’s Dad (with help fron Ross) who
strimmed the land where the bug hotel is and where we might develop a fruit
garden. And Mr McKelvie removed the great big concrete slabs from the courtyard
– fantastic!
The beans and peas grew and some additional seedlings (we
had sowed the seeds towards the end of term) were planted. The radish “shot”.
That means they grew big tall flower heads and became past their best. Next
year we should remember to plant them earlier to make sure they are ready for
lifting before the holidays.
The sweet peas grew quite tall and needed to be helped to
cling onto the netting; and the honeysuckle, clematis and winter flowering
jasmine are all coming along and clinging to their netting as well.
Unfortunately the greenhouse has suffered a bit of damage
from passersby so we have attempted to repair it and have encircled it with
wind barrier white netting. So the light will still get through and the wind
will be stopped a bit. Hopefully the plants will do all right with this
temporary fix.
There are a few cherries on one of the trees in the orchard
and lots of apples.
Looking forward to our first meeting when school starts
again – we are changing day to a Thursday this year.