Monday, 19 June 2023

Gardening fun

On Thursday we were very busy despite the heat. As well as lifting, washing, drying and weighing the potatoes, there was a lot of watering done. We finished planting out the leeks and beetroot seedlings and some runner beans; and we weeded a couple of beds too!

Potato Competition

Just a wee update on the competition potatoes. This year there is only one prize for the heaviest weight, UK wide.
Our best this year was 1676g (Shannon) and 793 (Casablanca). So we are well up on our previous best by around 1150g.

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

On the Move!

Our Eco representatives helped to move soil from our old raised beds to our newly situated larger raised beds down beside the poly tunnel. Meanwhile another team of diggers filled up the new beds with top soil. What a job!

Gardening Club News

Last Thursday the Gardening Club members planted up the round bed at the front of the school and other planting area there.

They also planted leeks, beetroot seedlings, sowed turnip seeds , planted out french beans and watered liberally.
All of the plants are extra thirsty, with all of this dry weather!