Tuesday, 30 May 2023

New Raised Beds

Primary 5 pupils helped the Gardening Club to move two tonnes of top soil into the brand new raised beds. It was a hot day and they were treated to an ice lolly to cool down. Great team work!

Friday, 12 May 2023

Gardening Club 11th May

 Today we broke up a very big stone and lifted barrowloads of smaller stones where the new raised beds will be. Lots of muscle needed!

Then we potted up cucumbers and  tomatoes, and more seedlings of flowers and vegetables. We prepared the bed for the sunflowers and sweetpeas to grow. Next we weeded the beds at the front of the school, as well as putting two new plants in the "rockery" and planting Bergenia (elephant's ear). Phew!

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Gardening Club 27th April

What a busy day! The children tied in raspberry and brambles, cleared up a strawberry bed and planted out new plants we grew on from last year's runners. We planted a few saplings left over from last year too.  We potted on lots of lettuce and alyssum as well as planting tomatoes, peppers and courgettes. The potatoes are looking good as well, with peas and broad beans ready for planting out.

Gardening Club 20th April 2023

The children cleared out the polytunnel, washed all the walls, inside and out, with soapy water, then rinsed everything down. Then they cleaned all the tables etc and put everything back. What wet fun and a really good job done!